Introducing the Disposals & Destructions Add-on Module

Condor is proud to announce the launch of the new Disposal & Destructions add-in.

Designed to enable clients using Condor Compliance to effectively and simply manage full compliance with Commonwealth and State Records Acts, Privacy laws and other relevant legislation governing how agencies must manage sensitive date, including the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act and Surveillance Device acts, this add-on tool allows agencies to track and manage disposal and destructions of record data and attachments, as well as any related audit records.

This innovative and ground-breaking add-on to the Condor suite can be deployed in any Condor suite where there is a need to manage retention and disposal of data, but will be especially valuable to agencies with special powers who are already using Condor Compliance.

For more information see the full product page Condor Disposals & Destructions.

For information about how your agency can deploy this powerful add-in, please contact us.